• Since 1999 - For the health and education of disabled orphans in Mali

The Leo Association

Since 1999, the LEO Association aim has been to support abandoned, handicapped orphans in Bamako, Mali. These children suffer doubly from being both orphans and handicapped. Leo is the name of the very first orphan taken into the care of the association and his smile has become its emblem. Sadly, he died at the age of 26 years old in Bamako on the 28th July 2022.

There are few resources in Mali to care for such disadvantaged children. The Centre d’Accueil et de Placement Familial (CAPF), known as the ‘Pouponnière de Bamako’, is the only public organisation in Mali that takes in abandoned children although its main purpose does not take into account the handicapped.

Donations allow us to hire local staff who share the same culture and traditions as the children and who ensure that their handicap is treated not as a death sentence but as a condition.


We are an association of volunteers, registered in France in 1999, who help provide care and education to abandoned, handicapped orphans in Bamako, Mali. Leo is the name of the very first orphan taken into the care of the association and his smile has become its emblem. Sadly, he died at the age of 26 years old in Bamako on the 28th July 2022.

Mali has very few resources to respond to the needs of handicapped orphans. To provide specific handicap support, the LEO Association works together with local personnel, respecting local culture and traditions, by subsidizing both therapeutic and educational needs:
• There are 4 educators, 1 physiotherapist, 1 psychiatrist.
• Day patient sessions 5 days a week of physiotherapy, psychomotricity and education provided by the Association pour Personnes à Besoins Spécifiques (APBS) – the Association for People with Special Needs.
• Leisure and cultural outings and family placements by the DenKaGneta Association.

Le Centre d’Accueil et de Placement Familial (CAPF), the Reception and Family Placement Centre, is the only state organisation dedicated to taking in abandoned children, housing them regardless of their handicap.

Their illnesses are varied: their handicaps are both physical and mental and are to a greater or lesser degree but are always incapacitating.
The number constantly increases with regular admissions but there are also deaths due to their fragility and the difficult sanitary environment. In Mali, 1 in 5 children die before their 5th year.

Improvement of the daily life for the abandoned handicapped orphans cannot happen without the involvement of the Malian supervisory authorities. They determine the type of intervention and the effectiveness of actions related to both abandonment and disability.

Since 1999, the generosity of sponsors and donors (individuals, associations and companies) have allowed us to prioritise health care and educational activities.

In France, Jean Paul Blachère Apt, Association Rencontre des Cultures Saignon, Association le Cœur au Mali Rodez, Malik Nejmi, Localgraphics Annecy, Johan Mus graphic artist, Transcopy Bédarrides, Plénitude Yoga Mormoiron, Law firm Denis & Voyant Avignon, Gestonline Salon de Provence.

In Bamako – Centre d’Accueil et de Placement Familial, Ministère de la Promotion de la Femme, l’Enfant et la Famille, Direction Nationale de la Promotion de l’Enfant et de la Famille, Association pour Personnes à Besoins Spécifiques, Association DenKaGneta, Santé Sud Mali.

Excluded from society, we want to give a future to these children as they grow. Thanks to all the goodwill, the handicapped orphans live a better life and receive care and education. Those who are able to express themselves are sensitive to their life improvements. For those who are most seriously handicapped, the LEO Association works to make their existence less difficult.


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January 28th, 7:00 am
Association LEO

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December 26th, 4:39 am
Association LEO

Les bénévoles LÉO souhaitent à toutes et tous une bonne fin d'année et vous adressent leurs vœux de bonheur, santé et paix pour 2025. ... See MoreSee Less

Les bénévoles LÉO souhaitent à toutes et tous une bonne fin dannée et vous adressent leurs vœux de bonheur, santé et paix pour 2025.

Comment on Facebook

Bonne fête de fin d'année à vous tous, merci à vous tous pour les efforts consentis! Soyez benis abondament

A vous tous bonne fête 🥳 de fin d'année merci de tous se que vous faites pour ces enfants

November 23rd, 8:17 am
Association LEO

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Comment on Facebook

De coeur avec vous🙏🙏🙏

October 3rd, 9:58 am
Association LEO

Pour visionner l'émission ORTM du Grin de Midi du 11 septembre dernier avec la participation de la direction du CAPF et d'une partie des pensionnaires et du personnel, quelques photos et le lien www.facebook.com/share/v/xxfYHg5hbV54riut/?mibextid=xfxF2i ... See MoreSee Less

September 3rd, 7:38 am
Association LEO

L'assemblée générale LÉO 2024 se tiendra le samedi 14 septembre à 17 heures à Malaucène (84) chez Juliette et Jean Marie, nous y présenterons les résultats 2023 et les projets 2024.
A bientôt !
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Lassemblée générale LÉO 2024 se tiendra le samedi 14 septembre à 17 heures à Malaucène (84) chez Juliette et Jean Marie, nous y présenterons les résultats 2023 et les projets 2024.
A bientôt !

Comment on Facebook

Longues vie à l'association Léo

Bonne suite! Le grand Djibril!!

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We are all volunteers

Working with volunteers means not only that we can reduce our expenditure but it provides a strong human dimension to our work with the handicapped orphans who have very special needs.

Board Members : Catherine COSTE – Claire DENIS – Thierry MUR – Christian NENON – Patricia PECHON – Bernard PECHON – Juliette SOTO

Serving handicapped orphans

We support handicapped orphans to serve their interests alone in dealing with the Malian authorities and local partners to improve their daily life and their future.

Care and Education

We pay for medical care, neurological and orthopedic consultations, therapy, schooling, play and teaching activities.

Donations/ Sponsorship

You can support our activities with handicapped orphans by completing the donation or sponsorship form.

Our partners